Broadcast personal or business messagesto entire connected Audience of your Facebook pagesRight inside their FB Messenger to engage with thempersonally in one click.
we provide a revolutionary, world’s very first, most powerful Facebook & Messenger marketing solution. send promotional message to pages old & new messenger leads, where all other service allow to send only non-promotional messages & new leads.
Facebook Messenger Marketing is now the latest marketing technology which is becoming the best alternative of Email marketing day by day.
With our Facebook marketing solution, you are able to send messages to all messenger subscribers. You can send to all old & new messenger subscribers.
Bulk Message Campaign
- Multiple Facebook Account.
- Sync. Page’s Messenger Leads.
- Lead Grouping
- Send Bulk Message to Leads.
- Auto Sync. Everyday.
- Multi-page Campaign Set option.
- Multi-group Campaign Set option.
- Custom Campaign Set Option.
- Emoji and spintax message
- Full Report of Campaign(Delivery/Unsuccessful).
- Custom Message With Individual Leads Name option.
- Delay Option For Each Message Send.
- Unsubscribe Link Embed Option.
- Manual Unsubscribe Option.
- Auto Unsubscribe Leads Who Blocked Page Message.
Auto Comment Tools
Lead Generator
Page Inbox & Notification Manager
Page Posting Features
Other Features